Monday, October 25, 2010

Osaka Mayor's Foreign Business Networking Club (FBNC)

As seen in the picture above, I participated in the Mayor's Foreign Business Networking Club (FBNC) on September 10 at the Mayor's Mansion in Osaka.  After hearing remarks from Kunio Hiramatsu, the mayor of Osaka, two presentations were given on the topic of "water" by the Osaka Municipal Waterworks Bureau and also by NITTO DENKO CORPORATION.

After being educated on the water distribution system in the city and also informed about the overseas operations of the waterworks bureau in Vietnam, Singapore, and China, a representative from NITTO DENKO took over the floor to highlight the company's water treatment successes in India, Spain, Algeria, Australia, China and Singapore.

With Osaka trying to brand itself as a "water metropolis" city, it was nice to hear how the public and private sector are working to expand Osaka's water technology reach in the world.

上記の写真にありますように、 9月10日に市長公館で行われたMayor's Foreign Business Networking Club (FBNC)に出席してきました。平松市長のあいさつに続き、「水」に関するプレゼンテーションがふたつ行われました。 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Midosuji Gourmet Festival Comes to a Close

After 10 weeks of preparation, the inaugural Midosuji Gourmet Festival was finally held just over a week ago.  Marked by rain on the first and second day, things did not start out as we would have hoped but with the weather clearing up for the finale on Sunday, roughly 8,500 people showed up to enjoy the various international cuisine and entertaining stage performances.

As you can see in the first picture above, even the mayor of Osaka, Kunio Hiramatsu, came out on Sunday to enjoy the event's festivities with the rest of the community.  Also pictured above are snapshots  of the beer on tap from the beverage tent and Texas BBQ sandwiches prepared by none other than Hide Kanai of Hiday's Texas BBQ.

If we would have had three days of picture perfect weather, who knows how many people would have attended the event.  Hopefully we can give it another go next year!


上にある1枚目の写真をご覧ください。大阪市の平松邦夫市長も日曜日にお見えになられ、ご来場の皆さんと一緒にイベントを楽しまれました。次の写真は飲料ブースでの生ビール販売の様子、そして豪快にBBQサンドを調理しているのは、ほかならぬHiday's Texas BBQの金井ヒデさんです。
