The first festival labeled "Zenkoku Hikari and Akari Festival" had exhibits of 13 of the most famous light festivals held in Japan. All within walking distance, one could experience Kobe's Luminarie and Osaka's Hikari Renaissance just to name a few during the five day event.
As the Zenkoku Hikari and Akari Festival came to a close, I ventured back to Nara a few days later to view Nara's annual TO-KAE Light Festival for the third time. Having started back in 1999, the TO-KAE Light Festival lasts 10 days and consists of tens of thousands of candles lit and placed around the historical monuments and scenic landscape that encompass the city of Nara.
As the TO-KAE Light Festival is one of my favorite light festivals, I highly recommend that you attend. With special viewing exhibits made available to the public on Saturday, August 14, it may make sense to visit on the last day even though a large crowd is expected.
1つ目の「全国 光とあかり祭り in 奈良」では、日本で最も有名な13の光のイベントの展示が行われており、5日間開催のこのイベントに来るだけで、神戸ルミナリエやOSAKA光のルネサンスを一カ所で味わうことができました。
数日後に再び奈良を訪れた際は「2010 なら燈花会」に行きました。ちなみにこれが3度目です。1999年に始まった「なら燈花会」。10日間絶え間なく何千ものキャンドルが灯され、歴史ある奈良の町をなんとも幻想的な雰囲気にしていました。