Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ninjas in Kyoto 京都で忍者

At the request of the Hotel Granvia Kyoto for their overseas advertising campaign, some friends and I took part in a photo shoot at various locations in Kyoto as ninjas, maiko, miko, etc. on Sunday, December 20. To kick things off, we started our journey at Toei Kyoto Studio Park, formerly known as the Hollywood of Japan, with its scenic backdrops and sets. Even though it was my second time at the park, I was surprised to see many guests dressed up in "cosplay" (costume play). As we were dressed up as well, we fit right in!

After spending a good amount of time having our picture taken at Toei Kyoto Studio Park, we changed venues and headed towards one of the main shopping arcades in Kyoto at Shinkyogoku to mingle with the natives. After all was said and done, it was definitely a fun way to spend a pleasant winter day in Kyoto.

1220日(日)にホテルグランヴィア京都さんのご要望にお応えして、海外観光客向けの広告を作成するために、私は友人何人かと共に京都のいたるところで、忍者舞妓さん、巫女さんなどのコスプレモデルをしてまいりました。舞台背景やセットで日本のハリウッドと云われる東映太秦映画村を皮切りに新京極商店街など京都のいたるところで撮影が行なわれました。東映太秦映画村は私にとって2回目でしたが、「コスプレ」(コスチューム プレイ)をしている入場者は半端な数ではありませんでした。やはりみんな行く人はノリノリでしたね!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas in Kansai

The month of December is a great time to be in Kansai. Especially in central Osaka and Kobe, the cities come to life with light showcases. Kobe is home to Luminarie, which has been held in the city since 1995 to commemorate the Great Hanshin Earthquake that destroyed the city and killed thousands of people in January 1995. To compete with Luminarie, Osaka hosts its own Hikari Renaissance along the river bank, accompanied by a gigantic yellow duck, that runs through the heart of the city. Of course some like to experience more than just lights around the holidays, which is why Universal Studios Japan (USJ) and its holiday-oriented performances and shows are always a fan favorite for residents of Osaka and the surrounding areas.

12月は関西では特別なシーズンです。特に大阪そして神戸の中心地では、光の展示で彩られます。阪神地区に大きな被害を出した19951月の 阪神・淡路大震災何千人もの犠牲者に鎮魂の意を込めるとともに、都市の復興・再生への夢と希望を託し、1995年からはじめられた神戸ルミナリエが行なわれますが、一方で2008年から大阪の中之島エリアでも光のルネサンスというライトフェスティバル(今年は川辺に浮かぶ巨大なアヒルちゃん付き)が始まりました。今年は両方行きましたが、ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン(USJのクリスマスイベントにはまだお邪魔していませんね。

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ohio University in Nagoya

Last Friday I traveled to the Nagoya Kanko Hotel for a special evening reception with the president, Dr. Roderick J. McDavis, of my alma mater, Ohio University. In total roughly 100 people were in attendance with Japanese alumni coming as far as Ibaraki Prefecture, located northeast of Tokyo. I was able to reunite with some of my former Japanese language instructors at Chubu University and Ohio University as well as classmates whom I had not seen for nine years at the reception. With entertainment provided by the Tenrin Daiko drumming group, it was an enjoyable evening had by all.

先週の金曜日、私は母校であるオハイオ大学の学長「ロデリック マックデイビス博士」をお招きし、リセプション及び同窓会に出席するため、名古屋観光ホテルへ足を運びました。トータルで100人もの参加者があり、そのなかには茨城県からの日本人卒業生もおられました。リセプションでは、中部大学とオハイオ大学の私の以前の日本語の教官や9年ものあいだ会ってなかったクラスメートと再会を果たすことができました。エンターテイメントとして転輪太鼓が素敵なパフォーマンスを披露してくれ、非常に貴重なひとときとなりました。

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Kobe Club 神戸外国倶楽部

Last Friday together with the general manager from the Wakayama Marina City Royal Pines Hotel, we ventured to the historic Kobe Club nestled in the foothills of Kobe for a meeting. The Kobe Club is a non-profit, private membership club that has been around since the latter part of the 1800s serving Kansai's international community and is home to over 250 active members representing more than 30 countries. The club's diverse membership makes for a very unique atmosphere that one cannot experience so easily in the homogeneous society of Japan.

For those of you who are in Kobe or ever visit Kobe, the Kobe Club is a good place to learn about the history of the foreigners who resided in the area since the port of Kobe opened to the world in 1868.

先週金曜日に和歌山マリーナシティロイヤルパインズホテルの総支配人と神戸山麓にある歴史的な神戸外国倶楽部を訪問し打ち合わせをしました。神戸外国倶楽部は、丁度神戸港が出来た頃と同じ1868年に建設され、当時外国人向けの寛げる場所が殆どないという事情をふまえ、関西在住の外国人にアットホームな雰囲気の空間を提供するため設立されました。現在は神戸外国倶楽部の会員数は約250人を超え、会員は30 カ国以上から集まっています。倶楽部のさまざまな会員のかたが大変独特の雰囲気をかもしており、日本のような単一民族社会では簡単には経験できないような空間になっています。


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving & Christmas Party @ the Ritz-Carlton Osaka

On November 24, I teamed up with Shamayim Rose Gallery, located in the upscale area of Ashiya and the decorator of the Rose Christmas Tree in the lobby of the Ritz-Carlton Osaka, for a very intimate Thanksgiving & Christmas Party at the 36th floor presidential suite of the hotel. The night's festivities kicked off with the Director of the Western Japan office for Wall Street Associates and Kansai Representative for HOPE International Development Agency Japan, Paul Dupuis, speaking about the origin and meaning of Thanksgiving in addition to a brief explanation about HOPE and its charitable work.

While guests enjoyed the sumptuous feast prepared by the chefs at the Ritz-Carlton Osaka, a solo violinist and piano/vocal duo put on a performance like none other. To conclude the event, a prize raffle drawing was held to cap off a memorable evening.

一昨日はザ・リッツ・カールトン大阪の一番広い客室である36階のプレジデンシャルスイートで、芦屋にあり、リッツカールトン大阪のロビーを1200個のプリザーブドローズで彩るという世界的にも珍しい豪華なクリスマスツリーを手がけたシャマイム・ローズギャラリーさんとコラボして、Thanksgiving & Christmas Partyを開催致しました。ウォールストリートアソシエイツ並びにホープインターナショナル開発機構の西日本代表であるポールデュプイ氏をお招きし、開会の辞を述べていただき、その後、ホープインターナショナル開発機構とその慈善活動について触れられ、「Thanksgiving」の由来と意味についても講演していただきました。



Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wakayama Marina City 和歌山マリーナシティー

Yesterday I met with the general manager and two associates of the Wakayama Marina City Royal Pines Hotel in Osaka to discuss about how to effectively promote the resort facility to the international community in Kansai. Located only 90 minutes from the heart of Osaka, the Wakayama Marina City Royal Pines Hotel is the perfect weekend getaway with the Porto Europa amusement park, Kuroshio Ichiba (marketplace), and the Kuroshio Onsen (Japanese hot springs) in close proximity.

昨日、大阪で、和歌山マリーナシティロイヤルパインズホテルの総支配人と2人のスタッフとともに打ち合わせをしました。打ち合わせの内容を簡単に申し上げると、「関西在住の外国人をターゲットとする、このリゾートホテルの有効的PRについて」でした。 ホテルには、ポルトヨーロッパというテーマパーク、黒潮市場、そしてスパ・リゾート黒潮温泉が隣接していて、和歌山沿岸でゆっくり過ごせること間違いなしです。大阪の中心部からわずか90分という近さなので、機会がありましたら是非、週末に最高の保養地、「和歌山マリーナシティロイヤルパインズホテル」に出向かれることをお勧めします。

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific Partner Conference 2009

Following Beijing in 2007, Osaka was selected as the location for the 2009 Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific Partner Conference. With over 250 representatives in the computer industry from all over the world in attendance, Osaka was center stage for a week. My role was to assist in supplying entertainment for the dinner shows on November 3 and 4.

To kick things off on November 3 at Taiko-en, the ninja group Kurondo entertained the crowd during cocktail hour in the garden. After everyone took their seats in the main ballroom at Taiko-en, it became WA・RA・KU's time to take center stage for their performance. Midway through dinner, the Yamamoto Noh Theater performed their rendition of Tsuchigumo to illustrate the traditional art of Noh to the audience. For the finale, "The Last Samurai" Joe Okada electrified the crowd with his stage presence that brought the first night's dinner to a close and left people wanting more.

For the gala dinner held at the Swissotel Nankai Osaka on November 4, Japan's renowned taiko drumming band GOCOO got the festivities started by opening the event. Concerning my entertainment for the night, it started and finished with GOCOO, however the main headliner was none other than magician extraordinaire Kevin James. A professional in every sense of the word, who makes Las Vegas home, Kevin's performance was a sight to see and enjoyed by all.

It was an intense two days but definitely a great experience as I played a part in showing not only the best of Osaka but also Japan to a large contingent of foreigners.

2007年に北京に続き、大阪が「2009年 ヒューレット・パッカード アジア 太平洋 パートナーカンファレンス」の開催地に選ばれました。カンファレンスでは世界中からコンピューター産業の代表者の250人以上もの集客があり、11月の3日、4日とディナーショーの余興の手伝いをして参りました。




Thursday, October 22, 2009

Coffee Networking Party           コーヒーネットワーキングパーティー

On Monday, October 19, I attended my friend's networking party at St. Grace Villa in Osaka featuring Healthy Coffee products. For those of you not familiar with Healthy Coffee, the company is based out of California and relies on the networking business model to distribute its instant beverage products across the world. As a non-coffee drinker, I cannot say much about the coffee but the chai that I had was very tasty. For those of you looking to try a new product, Healthy Coffee may be a good place to start.

1019日(月)に、ヘルシー・コーヒーの販売に携わる友人が、大阪の心斎橋 セントグレース ヴィラで交流会を主催し、それに参加して参りました。ヘルシー・コーヒーといっても耳慣れないかたのために申し上げると、ヘルシー・コーヒー・インターナショナル社はカリフォルニア州に拠点を置き、インスタント飲料製品を世界各国に届けるというネットワーキングビジネスを展開しています。私はコーヒー党ではないので、コーヒーについてのコメントは避けますが、そこでいただいたインスタントチャイは大変おいしかったです。皆さんのなかで新しい製品をお探しのかたは、ヘルシー・コーヒーを是非一度試飲してみてください。

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Atlanta, Georgia Invades Osaka         ジョージア州、アトランタ大阪進出

On Wednesday, October 14, the Atlanta, Georgia delegation lead by the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and with representation from Knoefler Enterprises, McGuire Woods, and Murata Manufacturing held its event titled "Atlanta, Georgia - The Center of Future Economic Growth in America" at the Hilton Osaka. With over 100 people in attendance, the delegation explained about the benefits and resources available to doing business in not only Atlanta, Georgia, but also the entire southeastern region of the United States. After the presentations, which were simultaneous interpreted into Japanese, the delegation members had the opportunity to network with the attendees over coffee and tea to further establish business relations.

A special thanks goes to the Osaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (OCCI) and Siemens USA for being the co-sponsors, and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Osaka, METI-Kansai, IBPC Network Center, and the Kansai Economic Federation for supporting this event.

1014日、水曜日、ジョージア州代表派遣団とノッフラーエンタープライス、マグワイヤウッズ法律事務所村田製作所の代表者によるスピーチを織り込んだトロアトランタ商工会議所主催の「ジョージア州、 アトランタ アメリカの将来的経済成長の中心地」と名を打ったセミナーがヒルトン大阪で開かれました。100人を超す参加者を得、代表派遣団はアトランタ、ジョージア州のみならずアメリカの南東部すべての地区におけるビジネスに有用な利点や資源について述べました。同時通訳で行なわれたプレゼンテーションのあと、より深いビジネスネットワーク構築のため、代表派遣団のメンバーはコーヒー、紅茶を飲みながら参加者と名刺交換をしました。


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Osaka Mayor's Foreign Business Networking Club (FBNC)

As it is stated in the picture, I attended the Osaka Mayor's Foreign Business Networking Club (FBNC) on the Captain Line boat for an excursion to Yumeshima, Tsuruhama, and Hirabayashi in Osaka bay on September 2. After receiving opening remarks from Mayor Hiramatsu and a presentation on what development is in store for the bay of Osaka in the upcoming years, participants networked with each other on the upper deck of the boat while being surrounded by the picturesque shoreline.

ご覧の写真にありますように、92日はキャプテンラインボートで大阪湾の夢州、咲州、平林の周遊旅行というForeign Business Networking Club (FBNC) に参加してきました。平松市長の開会の辞と大阪湾の近未来的な開発計画についてのプレゼンテーションのあと、絵のように美しい海岸線に囲まれながら上のデッキに出て、参加者による名刺交換が行なわれました。

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cycling Around Kyoto             サイクリングで京都めぐり

Yesterday I had my first experience bicycling around Kyoto via the bicycle rental service provided by Carillon. For only 500 yen, possibly the least expensive for renting a bicycle in town, my client and I visited several of the famous spots in Kyoto starting with Shimogamo Shrine, Kinkaku-ji (The Golden Pavilion Temple), and the Kyoto Imperial Palace. Without a doubt the most convenient and inexpensive way to see the city, I definitely recommend everyone else to try Carillon or a host of other bicycle rental places in the city to get the most out of Kyoto.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Osaka Duck Tour 大阪ダックツアー

Today with a guest visiting from the U.S., I experienced the only amphibious bus tour in Osaka, the Osaka Duck Tour. The 100 minute bus/boat tour was definitely an interesting way to see some of the city sights, and all for only 3,600 yen. As this tour has been around for a few years now, my only suggestion is that the management (Nihon Suiriku Kanko) increases the number of routes that one can take on the amphibious bus to allow riders the chance to see different parts of the city.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Osaka Audio Guide 大阪オーディオガイド

If you are planning to visit Osaka and want to check out the city before you come, I highly recommend viewing and listening to the Osaka Audio Guide done nicely by the Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau. With Korean & Chinese versions as well, Osaka is definitely moving in the right direction towards promoting the city outside of the Land of the Rising Sun.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Cable TV Debut ケーブルテレビデビュー

I was able to get my hands on the footage of my interview (conducted in Japanese) taken last week at the conclusion of the Osaka Bay cruise by K-CAT Cable TV. To sum up what I said for those of you who do not understand Japanese, I gave my opinion about the tour in addition to explaining the importance of everyone (including me) needing to work together towards making Osaka an attractive place for foreign investors to consider when investing overseas.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Visit to METI-Kansai 近畿経済産業局訪問

On September 7, I paid a visit to the Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade, and Industry, otherwise known as METI-Kansai, to engage in talks surrounding the October delegate visit from Georgia. Similar to my visit to the Kansai Economic Federation the week before, my contact at METI-Kansai had been transferred to a different department in the Spring; therefore, I had to introduce myself to the newly positioned staff at the International Investment Promotion Division.

During our brief meeting, METI-Kansai introduced and highlighted the newly published Kansai Technical Visit Guide as a tool to give the Georgia delegation a glimpse of the industrial landscape of the region.

97日、近畿経済産業局、別名、METI-Kansaiを訪問し、10 月のジョージア州からの代表派遣団訪問についての会議に参加しました。先週の関西経済連合会の訪問のときと同様、担当部署が春に他部署に変更になったため、通商部の新任者に自己紹介をする必要がありました。


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Visit to Kansai Economic Federation       関西経済連合会(関経連)訪問

Yesterday, in preparation for receiving the delegation from Georgia in October, I paid my first visit to the Kansai Economic Federation that houses its office in the Nakanoshima Center Building. As my former contact in the organization switched departments earlier this year, I stopped by to meet the new person in charge and to also brief the organization on the Georgia delegation.

For those of you not familiar with the Kansai Economic Federation, it was established in 1946 as a private non-profit organization and is currently made up of 800 major corporations and organizations actively operating in the Kansai region.



Thursday, September 3, 2009

Osaka Bay Cruise 大阪ベイクルーズ

Yesterday I attended the Foreign Business Networking Club's cruise around Osaka Bay with about another 40 executives and diplomats from the Kansai region. Taking the Captain Line boat from the Universal City Port, which is located next to Universal Studios Japan (USJ), we enjoyed a 90 minute cruise around some of the up-and-coming industrial areas of Osaka on a magnificent day. With opening remarks made by the Mayor of Osaka, Kunio Hiramatsu (in the middle of the first picture), I was kept informed of future developments to the port area of Osaka. After we arrived back at the Universal City Port, I was interviewed on camera by K-CAT Cable TV. Unfortunately, I don't have any footage on me at the moment; however if I can get my hands on some, I will upload it here.

昨日、関西在住の40人の企業の重役や外交官とともにForeign Business Networking Clubクルーズに参加していました。ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパンUSJ)に隣接しているユニバーサルポートからキャプテンラインボートに乗り、大阪の有望株であるいくつかの地域まわりを見学しながら90分クルーズを満喫し、すばらしい日となりました。平松邦夫大阪市長(一番上の写真の中央)の開会宣言によって始まり、大阪の湾岸エリアについてのプレゼンテーションを聞くことができました。ユニバーサルシティーポートに帰港した際、関西電力、京阪電気鉄道系のケーブルテレビ局であるケイ・キャット ケーブルテレビ(K-CATにカメラインタビューを受けました。残念ながら、そのときの画像がまったく手元にないのですが、実物を手にいれたら、ブログにアップしますのでチェックしてくださいね。